Anthony Cuda

is a writer, editor, and professor of English at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, where he has taught for over 15 years. 


Author, The Passions of Modernism (2010)

The Passions of Modernism challenges conventional views about modernist writers’ obsession with control, arguing instead that figures like Eliot, Yeats, Woolf, and Mann were committed to exploring the wild, ungovernable energies associated with passion. To read an excerpt and or order a copy, follow the link below.

Executive Director, T. S. Eliot International Summer School

Cuda is Executive Director of the Summer School, which brings together  renowned scholars and students from around the world for a nine-day, immersive exploration of the life and work of Nobel Prize winning poet, critic, and dramatist T. S. Eliot. To apply for a scholarship and learn more about the program, follow the link below.

Co-editor, The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition, Volume 2 (2014)

Cuda is co-editor with Ronald Schuchard of the second volume of The Complete Prose, subtitled “The Perfect Critic: 1919-1926,” which was awarded the Modernist Studies Association 2015 Book Prize for an Edition. Follow the link below for description, excerpts, and pricing information.

Managing Editor, rev. digital edition, The Complete Prose (2023)

Cuda is managing editor, in collaboration with JHUP and Project MUSE, of the revised digital edition of The Complete Prose in eight volumes. To learn more about the functions and future of this pioneering project in digital humanities, follow the link below.